Sunday, February 21, 2010

19 weeks and the anticipation is building....

because on tuesday we will finally know the sex of our baby, YAY! I am so excited, I am trying not to think about it too much because I will get myself all in a tizzy over it, lol. We had a good weekend this week, we had our friend Chris and Heather's son Christopher's first bday party, he is so adorable and so is their daughter Ava. It was great to see our friends and have some great food! It also made me so excited because soon we will get to have our little baby at the party, only a few more months :)
Then today we just did a lot of things around the house, there are a few things I would like to do to the house, minus the baby's room, before july. It's like a never ending process!
As usual, here are my weekly pics:
We have been getting a lot of snow lately, on Tuesday it snowed allllll day and left me stranded inside with Sadie. Here are a few pics of the snow, it was a heavy snow and stuck to like every single branch on the tree I tried to capture how awesome it was, but it was hard to!
I will be sure to update asap as soon as we find out on tuesday, yippeeeee!

Monday, February 15, 2010

18 weeks

Today is 2/15 and we are getting yet more SNOW, ugh. I really really REALLY can't wait till winter is over and at least it starts getting warmer, I am starting to go stir crazy! Anyway, I didn't take 17 week pics because I forgot and really I didn't notice much of a difference but here are the 18 weekers....
The belly is growing! And only 1 more week till we go to find out the sex, I really can't wait!

Monday, February 1, 2010


so i think i finally have a belly, all of a sudden last week it was like WHOA. now i basically need to wear my maternity jeans or leggings and most of my normal shirts feel very tight and uncomfortable when i wear them. here are some pics i just took, i think they will explain for themselves!
i forced sadie to take some pics with me too. she's so cute! we go to the doctor on wednesday and might be able to find out the sex, i hope so, i am getting super impatient :) feeling very lucky and blessed though, definitely no complaints here!