Monday, October 20, 2014

Ocean City 2014!

Time for our annual trip to the beach! Each year we head down to Ocean City, NJ with John's whole family. The kids love the beach and seeing their cousins.

We go the second week in july and usually have good weather, normally it is crazy hot out! This year it was a lot cooler and we had a couple of cloudy days, but still made the most of it!

Some pics are from my camera and others my phone so they may be out of order.

Someone was a little grumpy on the beach one morning.

I just can't take her little tush :)

this guys loves using the baby powder to get the sand off his hands.

too bad no one is looking lol
having chips!

making gia into a mermaid

hazy days, but the kids don't care!
We took family pics so I took some shots of my fam in their cute outfits.

We went to the zoo on one of the cloudy days - such a nice zoo and it is free!

HUGE tortoise!

love his chubby arms

the giraffes are so cool!

we took a little train ride too

we came back from the boardwalk and the lighting was insane! so i was trying to get a few pics before bedtime

just love the beach

silly kids

headed to the boardwalk one day

ferris wheel, scared of this thing! we only went on once lol

ice cream, yum!
another cloudy day

cousins hanging out

selfie, busting my behind at the gym and finally seeing some results!

more rides! we went to the boardwalk like every night almost, the kids loved it and so did we! they had a couple new rides and they were awesome.

this roller coaster was the best!
lol our pics. we bought them bc we are suckers!i think we went on like 6 times
this guy!!!


sort of matching shades
i can't

matching suits :)
pre photoshoot selfie
playing at the arcade

love this pic

she got a wrap in her hair which came out like 2 weeks later in a huge chunk... whoops don't think i am doing that again!
great view

this was at the zoo
silly G

they really just are best friends <3 br="">

mmmmm love Kohr's
magic hour! love it!

lol taking selfies with g :)

could not love her more, she is so damn cute!

this is making me seriously miss summer!

this summer i actually got to read a book!
i love this pic - ihope we are always so close gia. you are my heart!

silly kids

more rides!

one day we got donuts for breakfast... mmmmm
last day!

they love this ride. it is like a form of torture for me to go on it though.

waffle with ice cream yummmmy
sharing some popcorn
Another great week at the beach... now just to hit the lottery and have a house there! A girl can dream :)