Tuesday, December 14, 2010

5 months!

wow wow wow, where does the time go? i feel like i am so busy everyday with gia and now with the holidays that time is just FLYING. kind of scares me. i just want to push pause!
gia can so so many things now it is awesome. she does this screech/squeal thing that is almost like her way of showing how happy she is to see you, I LOVE IT! then yesterday i felt her first tooth coming in, EEK! she's just so happy and fun to be around and SO inquisitve, she pays attention to everything and always wants to explore. She has also discovered Sadie, and it's hysterical. If only the dog would pay attention to Gia!!!
Here are her 5 month pics, she discovered there was a teddy bear sitting next to her and wouldn't put it down.

Her faces just crack me up. I love her more than anything and am so thankful everyday that I get to spend my life taking care of this little munchkin!!!
One more month till we start solid foods, that should be fun :)
I promise to start blogging more, need to keep all 5 people who read this updated lol!

1 comment:

nayrzil said...

yes, keep updating us girl! she's getting so big! I can't wait to see her this weekend...I'm gonna nibble those adorable little cheeks...xoxo