Monday, January 17, 2011

6 Months!

WOW WOW WOW... seriously where did this time go? I can't believe Gia is 6 months old. The past few weeks have been so awesome. I feel like she is learning something new everyday. Things she is doing now:
- laughing, smiling, giggling and yelling (lol)
- babbling a LOT (she says HEYYY, well kind of. super cute)
-she can stand up and lean on her leap frog table for a few seconds without me holding her.
-can sit up completely unassisted for long periods of time
-can pick everything and anything up, and will take whatever you are holding out of your hands!
-is eating solids and loving it! she loves squash, pears and oatmeal so far - hates bananas!
-she has 2 teeth on the bottom and i feel like another is coming anyday
-LOVES Sadie (our dog) if only sadie would pay her any attention, lol

I just love this age. I wish I could freeze time and keep her like this for a little. I love watching her explore and try new things everyday. It's hard to believe a few months ago she couldn't even hold her little head up, they grow so fast!

Her 6 month stats:
16 lbs. 11 oz. and 26.5 inches - basically 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. She is obviously taking after John in the height department. Here are some pics of the cuteness, seriously I can't take the CHUB, LOVE IT!

 giggles :)

 hey look i have feet, lol
Happy 6 months cutie!!!

1 comment:

nayrzil said...

OMG BITE BITE BITE, she is such a happy little baby, i love it! I can't believe how big she's getting!