Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 Months!

Wow, we are into the double digits! And only 2 more months till she is 1 year old. Seriously this has been the fastest 10 months. I can't believe a year ago we were finishing up the nursery and I was getting larger by the day lol. I feel like in the last month this personality has just emerged from Gia. She has been doing SO many new things, like:
-walking with her walker (or a laundry basket or anything she can push to get around)
-standing on her own for about 10 seconds or so
-says 'hi' and waves
-talks to herself and makes gestures (cutest thing EVER)
-screams when she sees her favorite stuffed animals
-feeds herself food! (finally lol)
-feeds herself her bottle
-has SIX teeth and two more coming in any day now, eek!

She is just getting SO big and is so loveable. I love her personality. She loves people, is so outgoing and just is always smiling and having a blast. I am so blessed and I cannot imagine I lived so long without this light in my life. Gia, WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

Enjoy the pics :)

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