Sunday, May 12, 2013

ag day

every year they have ag day over at douglass college which is part of rutgers by my dad's house. i have been wanting to take gia the past few years but we always had something going on that weekend but we made it this year and it was the most gorgeous day!
we went to my dad's and jack was loving the deck

love his little, ok it is actually a big head

we were waiting for poopa to get home

all ready to go!

we met liz, ryan and the girls there. liz was getting some snuggles in with her godson :)
they had awesome FREE crafts there! so gia and mya jumped right in, they loved it.

jack was just loving being outside
there was SO much space to run

they had free face painting too, gia loved it!

my dad was rolling around playing with all the kids, they loved it!

mya even jumped in lol

LOVE THESE PICS! thanks liz for getting em!

 pony rides, so fun! gia loves horses

a panoramic shot so i could show john all the food he was missing!
getting a ride on poopa's shoulders
enjoying a smoothie

passed out on the ride home, we had so much fun!
can't wait to bring john next year :)

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