Monday, July 25, 2011

1 Year Old!

My little baby girl is a year old! I was so sad when we put the last sticker on her the other day, I truly cannot believe how fast this year has gone. I get kind of sad because I feel like I can barely remember the beginning and when she was a tiny peanut. I am so happy I am keeping this blog and it helps me remember all the milestones and fun times we have had with the little munchkin.

We went for her one year checkup last week and her stats were 20lbs and 7 oz. and 30 inches. So she is 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. Going to be tall and skinny like her daddy!

So some comparisons, last year on her birthday Gia looked like this:
and today she looks like this:
So many exciting things have been happening with Gia, she can now:
-WALK! she took her first real steps on July 2nd and then when we were in ocean city the week after her birthday she really started taking off. Now forget it she is everywhere, she doesn't hold our hands or anything anymore and barely crawls (sigh).
-talking up a storm. she says 'hi' all the time and now says 'daddy' 'doggie' (sounds more like dah-ee) and basically just babbles i think she will prob be an early talker like her mama.
-mimics everything! if you cough, she coughs, you laugh, she laughs and can make lots of animal noises and other weird sounds.
-backs her little tush up to something she likes (mainly her dolls and sadie)
-gives kisses!

Gia, you are truly the light of our lives and our reason for living and have made our lives complete. Everyday I can't believe your little personality and how much you have grown. It is seriously amazing how 1 year ago you came into our lives this little teeny baby and changed everything for the better forever. WE LOVE YOU more than you will ever know and are so LUCKY to have you as out little girl. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter Gia :)

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