Monday, August 20, 2012

iphone pics and random stuff!

Lately we haven't had many 'real' plans (hence not too many blog posts this month), which has been awesome because the first couple months of summer were basically jam packed with something to do every weekend. While I personally love having jam filled weekends, John is the opposite. I must admit it is kinda fun to wake up saturday morning and say what should we do today! Anyway, I literally take a million pics with my iphone and I realized I rarely ever put them on here. So here is a collection of some cute pics I have taken this summer :)

coloring outside, we hang out on the deck a lot in the summer bc it is shady in the afternoon and nice to be out there
 hanging with my little man one morning
gia on my computer, she LOVES to go on itunes and pick a song to dance to, she is too much i swear!
bath time fun, arranging her little buddies
 one of the first times i got her hair in a pony, i love it!
 'why you little'
 being silly!
 love this girl for reallllls!
 hi little guy!
 new shades, gia's bow, styling obvi ;)
 first day of vacay, toes in the sand and surf!
 my 2 guys, passed out!
 nothing better than a sleeping baby, love my morning snuggles with him.
 hard at work lol
 my fam :)

seriously right now!!! he's so damn adorable!

 miss thang building with her blocks, she is so good at it!
 going on a walk! she doesn't like to start out in the stroller which is totally fine in our neighborhood because it is safe.
one day we went down the shore to visit my cousin Kasey and her kids. We went to the boardwalk and had so much fun!
 waiting on line
 Jack being a good boy :)
 Gabriella and Gia
 passed out from a day of fun!
 love this shot of her and her cuz

 gia and her buddy sadie
 just hanging
I took her to get a pedi with me. I was scared she would FREAK out, she kinda did in the beginning but luckily the people at the nail salon are so nice and made her feel comfortable. She loves when I paint her toes :) I love this part of having a little girl.

 Big boy in his exer-saucer. He loves it!

 Walking on the beam at the little gym, she loves this place!
 At the park, she loves her sunglasses.
 mornings at the gym... my only real 'me' time most days.
 thank you lord for starbucks, i swear it gets me through A LOT of days!!!
 arranging more buddies!
 handsome guy
 avery and gia having goldfish at the park, how cute are they!
 kisses for her brother
 saturday afternoon painting sesh
 cool sky on our way to dinner at chili's one night
 always smiling :)
 jack's first time in the pool!

we took away gia's binky (finally) but it was a rough few nights. i held her hand and rubbed her head to sleep. she may be getting bigger but she still needs her mama :)
 Gia's new obsession is the movie Tangled, she loves the princess. She has dolls, 3 of them lol. This helped her transition from the bink! She makes me sit Jack next to her and the princesses in the morning. She loves her brother!

this was at my parents house, their tv is obvi a lot lower to the ground then ours lol. she was like WHOA.
 we went to the camden aquarium, it was awesome! she was showing princess all the sharks.
 so cool!
 it was a tunnel, they swam all around you.
 me and my munch, too bad she was too busy eating goldfish to smile.
 playdate with becky and colleen and the kiddies, here are all the boys
and here's everyone! crazy to think there are 7 kids between us, even crazier we all had girls first then boys second! it is going to be madness when the boys can play too, i can't wait!

So glad I decided to upload these pics. I have so many good memories of this summer that I might not have captured with my fancy camera. I can't believe how fast time goes...

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