Tuesday, July 31, 2012

4 Months!

Time is seriously flying. I can't believe Jack is 4 months, that is 1/3 of a year! It's crazy how much I already forget, I swear they go from this immobile helpless person to a moving baby so fast!

Here is what Mr. Man (my lame nickname for Jack) is up to these days:

-has rolled a few times front to back and once back to front. He lays on his side when he sleeps and my most favorite time of day with him is after his morning feeding when he comes and lays with me. He rolls over grabs my hands and just smiles. I love it. I used to do this with Gia too and I know now how fast this snuggle time goes so I savor every second!!!
-is sitting up when I hold him so well. Can sit a little on his own but he falls over pretty quick.
-grabbing at EVERYTHING! If you are holding him with something in your hand, forget it. Same goes for his playmat time, he destroys his toys lol.
-loves to LAUGH! he has the most adorable belly laugh when I tickle him. He is so chubby it's like torturing a little fat kid lol.
-his smile just brightens my whole day. he is so loveable!
-basically i am squeezing him into his 3-6 month clothes lol. he is in 6-12 or 6-9 pj's and stuff now. wearing size 2 diapers but only till i run out of the ones we have!
-had his appointment today, he is 17.6 pounds (85th percentile) and 26 3/4 inches (95th percentile). He is a beast!

We love you Jack! Especially Gia, I love seeing your relationship :)

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