Sunday, February 3, 2013

10 months!

double digit months :( wow time is flying. i can't believe i am planning this kids first bday party already! but as i always said with gia, it is hard to be sad when he is still my little guy and everyday is just so much fun with these two!
-he is still a big boy! we went to the doctor in the beginning of january and he was around 24 lbs. and 30 inches. 90th percentile for both.
-is standing on his own for like 10 seconds at a time and has started cruising a lot between pieces of furniture and stuff. i thought he would be walking by now but i think before a year still.
-is so happy all the time!
-LOVE BEING WITH HIS MAMA! let me tell you. he is permanently attached to my leg
-adores his big sis. and vice versa. they are so happy to see each other. melts my damn heart every time!
-how big is jack??? SO BIG!
-eating lots of new solids
-wearing size 4 diapers and size 12-18 month clothes
-says HIIII and waves OMG CUTENESS
-sleeping great!
-plays this game where he hides his face and flirts with people. it is hilarious

jack you are a joy to be around and make me feel like the luckiest mama in the world when i hug you and love you and just get to spend my days with you (and gia of course)

i love you SOOOOO much :)

gia always has to be in the pics
lil chubber
so big! lol

happy guy

gia was being so cute with his bear. i had to include these pics. she can be the sweetest little girl when she wants to be!

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