Sunday, February 24, 2013

11 Months!

i can't even right now. i don't know how a year can go by so freaking fast, but it has. a million times faster than gia's first year! this little guy is becoming such a little person, personality and all. he is so happy basically 98% of the time, only freaks out crying grabbing my pants when he really wants his mama. here is his 11 month photoshoot....
gia was legit screaming in the background so i was trying to get him to smile.

he was like uh mom make her stop

silly guy

love him
chubbiest and most tickliest feet ever!
andddd gia enters the pic, sans pants because she is currently boycotting all clothing.
aw i love this pic. they have such a cute relationship, gia says 'jack, you are my best friend'
then she told me, mommy take my pic
close ups!

later that night, in the tub...

he is so huge, and a brute. my dad said we should call him bam bam, it is so true!
this month he is doing a lot of new things!
-takes 1 step then falls - COME ON WALK!!!
-stands forever without falling
-says dada, dissss, mama (only once in awhile), uh oh and lots of grunting lol
-eats all types of food but is so over purees
-size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes, moving into 18-24 for spring though!
-does this crazy spin move thing where he crawls/spins in a circle, it is hilarious
-claps hands
-throws and can play catch (roll) the ball

he is just so much fun to be around and we all adore him! he is my lil bud and i probably kiss his head 100 times a day! we love you jack!!!

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