Tuesday, April 26, 2011

9 Months...

Well, I guess I can't stop time huh? Good news about that is, every time I think 'I love this age, it cannot get any better' each time it does! She is so stinking cute right now, crawling and standing and cruising like a maniac! Not to mention playing and mimicing and just being so amazing. She plays peekaboo by pulling clothes or towels or whatever over her face, or she hides behind me or someone and then looks at you. She babbles a ton of words, consonants, etc. Her newest one is UH OH, I am telling you, ultimate cuteness.
I truly love this lil munch more than words could ever say. Everyday I am so thankful that she is mine and I get to spend everyday with her.
I hope I always have such a great bond with you Gia, Mommy (and of course Daddy) LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!
acting serious ;)
 here come the giggles!!!
 she kept sitting like this, cracking me up!
 trying to crawl off the chair, EEK
 looks like she's saying, heyyyy


obvi I cannot pick just one... too damn cute!
Happy 9 Months!!!

1 comment:

nayrzil said...

SO.FREAKIN.CUTE. MY god, she really gets cuter and cuter everytime I see her!