Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday Dad (Grandpa Wally)!!!

On April 4th my dad turned 60 (yikes!) so we had to throw him a surprise party. It was a great time and everyone was able to make it so it was awesome. He was SO surprised and I was really happy we were able do this for him...
Here are some pics from the day:
All set up!

 Me and miss G
 right before the...
 haha he walked out!

 john and sal
 linda, gabriella and gia
 billy and leo
 daddy and gg
 here are some super cute pics of g after she woke up from her nap!

 cute face
 gia and gabriella, she LOVED her!

 yummy cake

 gia having some icing :)
 getting ready to blow out the candles!

 k, party's over LOL

1 comment:

nayrzil said...

looks like you guys had so much fun! LOVIN the pics of Gia after her nap, she is just so freakin cute I wanna eat her cheeks!