Sunday, January 15, 2012

18 Months~

It is craziness, this past week on the 9th Gia turned 18 months. A YEAR AND A HALF PEOPLE.  It all just seems so crazy, when she was under a year it seemed normal when I would say to myself, oh a year ago I was doing XYZ. Now a year ago I had a 6 month old! I know they grow up and most of the time I do not dwell on it but soon (when baby boy arrives) time is going to be even quicker and I am trying to savor these last 2 months of me as a mom of 1 and us as a family of 3.
Anywho, here are her stats:
Height - 33.25 inches (89th percentile)
Weight - 23.4 pounds (60th percentile)
I think they were generous in the height department, but I am pretty sure she is 33 inches for sure. So she went up a bit in the weight percentile which is good! She is in mostly all 18-24 month clothes, but in a few pants still needs 12-18, she has a skinny waist!She is so active and I am thrilled she is growing so well :)
We are still giving her a night time bottle and her bink to sleep. I want to eliminate both before March. Baby steps here people. I tried to take the bink away last week and it was a disaster. I just did not have the patience that night and am going to try again this week. Hopefully it won't be too bad...
Things she is doing:
-Climbing and being crazy
-Talking a LOT more, she has about 10 words she says. Today she said, clear as day, HI SADIE. I was like WHAT!
-Points to John and says 'DADA'
-Talks on the phone haha
-Can understand SO much, basically anything I tell her to do she figures it out pretty quickly
-Imitates everything. Like yelling at the tv GO GO GO (as the giants were on tonight lol)
-Obsessing over her stuffed animals and certain tv shows (little einsteins) and DVD's (baby einstein animal vids)

Overall she is becoming a little girl and learning so much everyday. I am trying my best to keep her busy and entertained during these winter months and enjoy our time together before things get crazy in March!