Friday, May 4, 2012

1 Month!!!

It has been a pretty fast month, but then again I almost can't remember what it was like before Jack was here! We went to the doctor for his 1 month and he was 10 lbs. 4 oz. and 22 inches, so he gained 2 pounds from birth and grew 2 inches. I think when he was born he was more like 20.5 inches because the first week or so of his life he would never stretch out his legs!
We have been basically exclusively breastfeeding, except in the beginning I was giving him some soy formula to help his gassy issues. I have basically cut out all milk, cheese, yogurt and butter from my diet - anything that is dairy. It seems to have helped his gas issues but when they act up we just give grip water and it works well. This kid likes to grunt though, haha. There is no other way to describe it but that. It keeps me up at night and is making me debate putting him in his crib soon. I was planning to in about 2-3 weeks anyway. I want to start a 'bedtime' and stuff soon too. BUT anyway, enough talking. Here are some pics!
I am doing them the same way I did Gia's with a little stuffed animal :)
he's so cute!

of course gia had to get in on the pics
she seriously lives her 'dadie' as she calls him
heart melting...
lil footies
more kisses
i love this pic, he is sooo good looking ;)

We love you Jack! Can't believe you have been here a month already!!!

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