Thursday, May 31, 2012

mama's day

i didn't get many pics this mother's day but i can't believe that it was only my second real mother's day (not counting the one where g was in my belly) and i have2 beautiful babies to be so thankful for :)

i always knew i wanted to have kids, but i don't think i could have ever imagined how amazing it would be. it is hard, you really become selfless, but you don't mind. and there is truly nothing i would not do for them because they mean everything in the world to me!!!

it was a low key day... john got me an adorable frame with the kids picture and i ordered myself a fancy camera strap, and we just went over to mimi's for a yummy sushi dinner!

this is the scene every morning as i make breakfast, too damn cute!

 i got a few minutes of lounging poolside, and was playing around with the camera...

 seriously sbucks, not sure where i'd be without you these days lol
 lil footies
 love this little man!
gia playing with her new toy, she is obsessed with little animals and figurine type things and carrying them around and putting them random places, it's funny.

 chillin in the swing!
what a nice day with the family. i am so so so lucky and i feel like all of my dreams have come true :)

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