Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2.5 YEARS OLD!!!

My little girl is halfway through her second year and she has become quite the character! 90% of the time she is a joy to be around, some times though she can be a little diva and by little I mean HUGE! It is amazing the things she can do now and how much she TALKS! We can basically have full on conversations now and it is so funny. She also remembers everything now. I can tell her what we are doing tomorrow before bed and she wakes up and asks me. She loves Jack and is so so cute to him. She helps me keep him entertained, breaks her food into the tiniest pieces so he can eat stuff and they play together so cute. When he sees her he LIGHTS up, giggles and smiles. I love how close they are already. Here are some more fun facts about little miss Gia :)

-29 pounds and 36 3/4 inches. the nurse at the appointment annoyed me because she laid her down and it only went up to 36 so we measured he when we got home :)
-calls us mommy and daddy now. i love it!
-says a million words. puts together crazy sentences.
-can count to 20. knows all her colors. working on shapes now.
-loves reading her books
-tells me to put baby here i want to play with him lol
-is now POTTY TRAINED!!! woo hoo. i had been dreading this forever. but the past 5 days we have been at it and it is going great!
-loves loves loves princesses. she has almost all the movies and has a new favorite every couple weeks
-loves her jewels. wears a necklace everyday and usually bracelets too.
-'she is so beautiful' she loves saying that. we tell her everyday how beautiful she is.
-has a total bedtime routine. must 'sit in the chair', run into our arms and 'hold da hand'. then of course she has all her tigers, see-haw and cow, then her blankets and eventually will sleep :)
-she likes to look at cars with daddy and 'clean the wheels' on his car
-mommy, you go to the gym? daddy you go to work?
-can put on her shoes and undress herself

Gia, you are amazing. I thank God everyday I have you as my daughter. I can't believe you are 2.5 yet at the same time I cant remember life before you. Thank you for making every day brighter and my heart fuller. You made me a mommy and I know we will always be close. I LOVE YOU!!!

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