Wednesday, March 13, 2013

feel like the luckiest person :)

obviously life with two small kids is crazy most days. exhausting every day and usually very challenging! some days i want to curl up in a ball and cry because there is barely any ME time or me and john time and it's always go go go...
lately though i am trying to embrace the crazy and roll with it! the past couple weeks it is like a switch was flipped in gia and she has been so damn sweet. barely any tantrums or attitude an the things that come out of her mouth make me cry! here are a few i didn't want to forget...
-mommy, i am so happy to see you!
-jack, you are my best friend
-don't cry jack, mommy is right here. she will be back
-i have beautiful hair like a princess
-i love you so much the whole wide world

she also does a lot of cute things. like feeds jack his food and his bottle, helps me with SO many things. she loves to paint and color and is getting really good at it too! loves to dance and sing. play with her princesses and build blocks.

jack is getting so big too... he is taking a lot of steps now and will probably be walking walking by his actual birthday! It is crazy! He has the cutest little giggle and smile and just adores his sister. He makes me smile and laugh everyday and I can't imagine a year ago he was still in my belly :)

I hope you two realize one day just how much me and daddy love you! You are the best things that ever happened to us and make every day a million times better. I always wanted to be a mom but I never ever could have guessed how amazing it would be to have two little amazing people that mean the entire world to you and become the reason you live!


1 comment:

nayrzil said...

SWEETEST POST EVER! You are so blessed girl.