Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Aunt Linda!

This past weekend we celebrated my Aunt Linda's 50th Birthday! My other Aunt Karen (Linda's sister) planned the whole thing at the bowling alley where she works in the restaurant attached. It is kind of a far drive so I went alone, Gia would have been a terror and John was feeling like crap. I was excited to hang with my family and to bowl! I love bowling and never go and I had so much fun! I hate that my family lives so far away because we always have a great time together. I tried to put my new photography skills to use and take a few good pics of the evening...
The birthday girl on the left :)
 My adorable cousin Gabriella
 My cousin Kasey and Uncle Neal
 YUMMY chocolate favors!
 Colorful bowling balls
 My cousin Nicolas, so stinkin cute
 Linda, Karen and Grandma :)
 My fam!
 <3 them!
 Bowling shoes!
 Neal bowling!

 Drew's turn!

 The bday girl in action

 My dad was bowling 2 lanes the whole night, good thing he has a new knee!
 My 25 week belly pic :)

 Playing around taking pics!

 Pregnant chick bowling

Gabriella and her dad Sal

 I was really good at getting 9 pins down, annoying!!!

 MMM cake!
 Happy Birthday Linda...
 Make a wish!
 Siblings and their mama
 Then it was time for rocking bowling, lol so funny!

SO MUCH FUN! We seriously need to do this more often!!!

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