Monday, December 5, 2011

'Pre'- Thanksgiving

This year, my brother and his fiance would be up in Rochester for Thanksgiving so I decided to have everyone over the Sunday before for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. I wanted them to spend some time with Gia because we will be apart on Christmas too :(
Gia LOVED Chelsea, could not get enough. Maybe it is the blonde hair that made her feel comfortable ;) I made my first turkey and it really came out great. I was nervous but it was pretty easy! We didn't go crazy just made a few yummy things and it was perfect. It was really fun and a great way to get together even if we can't on the actual holiday!
My little girl, love her eyes...
 Playing with her picnic set
Sadie was thrilled because she had a bone lol


 Playing with her little house
 Gia and Chelsea
 LOL Sadie!
 Nice shot of the turkey, hehe
 Ready to eat!
 Gia is ready to chow down, on her cheese stick, she wasn't a fan of turkey!
So much fun with the fam :)

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