Tuesday, February 7, 2012

34 weeks!

I have been such a slacker this pregnancy with taking pics of the belly, but let's be honest it is basically the same thing week after week, just bigger! Anyway... so far so good! I think I am feeling a lot better this time around. I was thinking last night how I am sleeping so much better. I mean don't get me wrong certain things are NOT comfortable, mainly sitting for long periods or now driving for more than like 30 minutes. But overall, I am still going to the gym 2 times a week and Gia keeps me plenty active otherwise. So far I have gained 20 pounds (at 34 weeks) and I am thrilled with that. My goal was to stay around 25 and I am on track, YAY! Last time I think I was closer to 40, I didn't document it, but it was a lot to lose and now I know that it is not that easy to lose the weight as I thought it would be!
We are getting super excited. The furniture was delivered on Friday and we just ordered the rug and some more accessories from Pottery Barn that should be here next week so things are finally coming together!
It is so crazy to think that there are going to be 2 little munchkins in this house. I am so excited but so scared. I am also trying to enjoy time with Gia. She is my little bff and I just hope she isn't too mad at me when baby boy arrives :(
Here is my pic I took at 32 weeks!

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