Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jack is 6 Months!!!

ummmm huh?!?!? how the hell have 6 months passed already? i swear i already do not remember april or may... i literally had to go back and look on my posts here to remember anything we did. i hate that. i hate that i forget everything so fast. and also that time goes so fast. since having gia it is just such a whirlwind i swear. AGH! anyway! here is what goes on with mister man at 6 months:
-he is huge! 20 lbs. 4 oz. (gia was 20/7 at a YEAR!) and 27 3/4 inches - 95th% for both!
-has had a huge burst in skills, can sit up on his own (he still falls back and forward but def has body control)
-grabs EVERYTHING from everywhere. I completely forgot about the grabby stage. It is kind of annoying lol
-he has 2 teeth! the 2 bottom came in about 3 weeks ago
-wearing size 3-4 diapers
-making lots of sounds, DADA, he is seriously so LOUD. his crying is insane.
-sleeping is kinda getting better. i am still not happy with it, but he has finally cut out the 2-3 am feeding and is sleeping till about 530-545 then going back to sleep till gia wakes him up lol. i am over it. gia was sleeping 7-7 at 3 months so we were completely spoiled. praying that he starts sleeping completely through till the next morning soon because i am done with waking up before 6 am!
-can stand when i hold his hands
-is wearing size 6-12 month clothes
-is LOVING food! he demolishes whatever I give him, it is scary. I am going to be eaten out of house and home by my 2 kids lol
-besides the sleeping stuff, he is seriously the happiest and sweetest baby. pretty laid back and goes with the flow.
I just am in love with seeing him and Gia together. They really are starting to interact now. Gia wants him everywhere she is and I can even ask her to go play with the baby and she will. Makes him laugh and he loves her right back :)

Here are some pics from our 6 month photoshoot lol

I love this shot
 so happy!
 ok mom enough pictures!!!
 she loves him!
 i heart this pic!

can't believe it's been half a year! but at the same time can't imagine my life without you jack... WE LOVE YOU!

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