Sunday, July 8, 2012

3 Months!!!

my little buddy is getting so big, like BIG! he has gotten so chubbawubb since he turned 2 months! we didn't have a 3 month doctors appointment so i don't have exact stats but I am thinking he gained a few pounds! he is in 3-6 month clothes and even a little big for some of them already, it is crazy! so many things have happened... here is what he is up to these days :)
-has rolled over a couple times from front to back and once from back to front when mimi was watching him! but he is crazy in his crib so i do not doubt it!
-speaking of sleeping he is now sleeping like a champ (praying i did not just jinx myself here!) but he sleeps from around 7-3 or 4 every night, eats then sleeps another few hours.
-wears size 1 diapers but could def fit in 2's i am just trying to get rid of all or 1's!!!
-smiles and giggles all the time!
-'talks' so much, it is so cute!
-loves his sister and vice versa, she always needs to know where her 'dadie' is. so cute, says 'dadie, dadie?' or when he comes into the room, 'dadie's here!' i hope she keeps feeling this way about him!
-is just the best little boy, he lights up when he sees me and it MELTS my heart. this age is when babies are like crack and makes you want more, hehehe right john ;)

love watching him grow and i just love you so much jack!

his 3 month shot!
i mean seriously with this face!!!
i love you baby boy!


1 comment:

nayrzil said...

OMG that last pic....DYING! He's a doll face and I wanna eat those cheeks!